
Discussion Guides:

Materials and Helpful Links:

What is Pluralism is a document that outlines four points to begin thinking about what the term “pluralism” means in our interfaith conversations.  The source for this document is The Pluralism Project at Harvard University:     

On Common Ground: World Religions in America is an interactive web resource based on the research of the Harvard Pluralism Project and affiliates.  This is a great way to learn about World Religions online, and many of the Little Rock Daughters of Abraham have visited it often to explore other traditions, to answer our own questions, or to visit their  Religious Diversity Newsfeed section to keep up with current events.  Here is the link to the On Common Ground home page:

The  ITSSM Interfaith Center invited the Little Rock Daughters of Abraham to join them as an Affiliate.  That means that we are connected to their organization, yet maintain our independence of programming and sponsorships.  They support the Daughters by inviting us to interfaith meetings within the community, including our information on their website,  etc., and the Daughters support them by providing speakers for some of their events,  helping with their annual Love Thy Neighbor event, the annual Friendship Interfaith Camp, etc.  

The Arkansas House of Prayer is an interfaith haven set apart in nature, dedicated to contemplative prayer, meditation, and quiet:

The source for Our Reflections from Hafiz is I Heard God Laughing – Renderings of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky.  We started our first two meetings by reading these poems by Hafiz, the great Sufi master.

How to practice Deep Reading.  This is a link to NPR's interview with Maryanne Wolf, an expert in the science of reading: Click Here